- php-xdebug: profile a single cli script without enabling xdebug profiling globally
- piwik: import apache access.log
- Qemu: Error starting Domain - internal Network 'default' is not active
- fixing issues when using sync-clients with owncloud on apache 2.4 and php-fpm
- Use curl to get connect and download times for http requests
- send desktop notifications with notify-send to other users from a cron script
- apticron - let you server alert you for pending apt-updates
- Fix auth.log 'pam_unix(dovecot:auth): authentication failure'
- Raspberry PI as antispam wireless accesspoint
- Howto: Setup Debian Web and Mailserver with Apache, PHP-fpm, MySQL, Postfix, Dovecot, virtual users in flatfiles and SSL/TLS
- German vServer performance comparison
- Fetching statistics out of darktables library